In our darkest hour, In my deepest despair, Will you still care, Will you be there, In my trials, And my tribulations, Through our doubts, And frustrations, In my violence, In my turbulence, Through my fear, And my confessions, In my anguish and my pain, Through my joy and my sorrow, In the promise, Of another tomorrow, I’ll never let you part, For you’re always in my heart.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

... A Thaughtfull Story ...

Once upon a time, there was a small town where everyone lived as a family.
The town was consisted of few families who also worked in it. Some families were bigger than others, more powerful, & some had spent more time working in town.
Each of the families had a shop & a farm. But the size of their shops & farms differed.
One of the families was the biggest in size, the most powerful, its members differed in years working in town, had a small shop, & they had the biggest farm of all families (which was feeding the family & bring them lots of money from selling eggs, chicken, milk, butter, sheep, & cows to the other families).
All other families were smaller in size with medium & little power, less in members, & years of work in town. They also had bigger shops with very small farms that only served their own needs.
The old mayor of this town retired, & a new mayor was in charge.
This new mayor wanted to be fair with everyone in town, everyone who'd visit, the country's ruler, & of course also be pleased with his fairness in doing his hard work.
With his learning of the town's ins & outs, he discovered lots of ways of improvements in town & its people. He went through with some & was having difficulties with others.
One of the days had come when a very old cash cow of the biggest & most powerful family had to be slaughtered & sold as meat.
When this family did so, one of the new very small families went to the mayor asking for the old cow's profit to be split among the whole town, with asking for their small family to get the biggest chunk of that money. The mayor listened to them till the end. And when the mayor reminded this small family that he had given its members more subsidies than all of the other older members of all of the families, they were not yet convinced, & still wanted a big chunk of the old cow's profit.
Then, it was clear to the fair mayor that the sweet talk won't give any benefit with this greedy family. And he told them that they do not deserve any of the old cow's profit since it wasn't even theirs & it was the profit of the family that had the great old cash cow.
End of the logical happy-ending-story.
But looking at the devil's advocate:
The sweet mayor -for one reason or another- gives this small family what they wanted & gives everyone a share of the old cow's profit. Giving the biggest chunk to the smallest family, leaving the old cow's owners with a very small profit of their hard working years with their cash cow to be split upon their large family.
Shocked with how the fair mayor took such a decision, the cow's owners went to him asking for justice to be made.
The mayor, as sweet as he could be, turned them down by saying that everything is down, it's just an old cow, & the small family needs the money to grow.
The cow's family replied that no matter what, the cow's profit is logically theirs. Moreover, their members are not getting the same subsidies from the mayor as did the small new family. Which with the cow's profit, their members would do greater work in town by getting better cash to live in the better level that the new small family members are pampered with from their beginning.
Not answering to the cow's family, the mayor did not do a thing.
Throughout the past years, the members of the biggest & most powerful family had received lots of invitations & requests to travel, live, & work in better levels & subsidies in other towns nearby. Loyally enough, these requests were studied a bit but rejected believing that "Family" comes first, that they have the best town, the best future, & the best fair mayor they could have.
But with the madness in the air, the sad frustrated unjustly-treated family went back home to pack & leave to the nearest town. Not just to live in a higher level, with lots of extra subsidies & improvements. They wanted fairness.
With such recklessness, the town collapsed with the move of its biggest & most powerful family & farm to another town leaving this town with a troubled mayor, a great gap in the town's structure, some small families & one very new small greedy one.
Moral of the story: No matter how loyal & hard working you are, people might take you for grunted. If you were, ask for your rights & do something about it.


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